Friday, November 27, 2009

Technology Assessments

After reviewing the SEDTA (State Educational Directors Technology Association) teacher survey and the technology Inventory, it is glaring how little technology is employed in communication, problem solving and information acquisition at my school. The SEDTA teacher survey indicated that although as a teacher I am capable of effectively using today's technology, no real efforts are made to measure student skills in ways that truly count. There are no measures to gauge information literacy, global awareness or self direction in students. Judging from the Technology Applications Inventory, I scored low in the problem solving domain. This survey surfaced an aspect of my knowledge I was not not aware in which I was lacking. I therefore have a fiduciary responsibility to hone my skills by enrolling in continuing education classes and further my professional development in order to better help my students in the classroom. Much must be done by me, as a classroom teacher and by my school and school district to provide adequate and up-to-date computer hardware, software and professional development to assist school technology application efforts.

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